It’s a secret!

Kalixta and Britain are going to a pre-k class at Reagan. It helps get them familiar with the school, the classroom, the teachers and the flow of kindergarten. They started last week and have loved every minute of it. Today Kalixta brought home this art piece and I laughed out loud when I saw it!

Can you see under her name in the top left corner it says, A secret? This is Kalixta's answer to things when she either doesn't know or doesn't want to tell you. I can just picture her teacher asking Kalixta what the picture was and Kalixta's mischievous smile as she answered "It's a secret." I love that I have it captured to remember for the rest of her life.

My favorite example of this "It's a secret" happened a few months ago. Now I don't remember all the details because I didn't blog about it but it went something like this. Kalixta and Britain were supposed to be cleaning but there was a lot of noise coming from downstairs. I called Kalixta to the bottom of the stairs and reminded her that she needed to stop playing and clean up. She started crying and said, "I hate you!" I put on my best Mommy face and said, "What did you say?!" To which she responded "It's a secret." The conversation continued from there but you get the idea of how she uses the sentence and why I laughed out loud when I saw it.

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  1. Priceless. She’ll laugh about it when she’s 12. Makayla loves hearing the cute things she did as a kid, not that she doesn’t still do tons of cute things…

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