A New Mom

I am not good at new year resolutions. In that past that has translated into not really truly making any, knowing that I wouldn’t keep them anyway. This year however is different. I want to make and keep my goals. The problem may be that I have too many goals this year. We will see how that turns out.

My first goal is to be a fun Mom. I go through a day and feel like I have done nothing. But more importantly I feel I haven’t spent any time with my great kids. Well I should say quality time, because I spend lots of time dressing, feeding, directing, picking up with, and getting frustrated at my kids. But I realized my kids are growing up way too fast and I am missing it because I am too busy. Too busy with what? Who knows!

So I started the year with a goal to play with the kids for an hour everyday. Not starting something with them so I can go do something else while they play. I want to sit down and play at least a whole hour. I want my kids to remember me as someone who played with them, not as someone who was always cleaning.

I haven’t done it everyday this month, but I have done it enough to know I like it. It is fun. Every morning I ask Ammon "What do you want to do today?" He gives me his list  which is usually very long and I tell him what I need to do in order to play with him. He helps me WITHOUT complaining and then we do what he wants.

SnofamWe have had a great time playing in the snow, playing Bingo, fishing, cutting, glueing, coloring, doing puzzles, and on and on. It has been a BLAST!  It has also helped me be nicer during the rest of the day. It helps me be playful and loving instead of grumpy and stressed.

Today Nik and ZoĆ« had no school, so I decided to have a fun craft day. I worked with one kid at a time and each was able to finish a craft with me. We have a good time, but the best was when Ammon said we needed to do this everyday cause he liked me. 

So hopefully it will get easier and easier to make time to play and make fun memories with my kids.



3 pings

  1. Hi Melissa, I am not sure if you will remember me from Oxnard, but we were in Seminary together, dances, and such things. I check in on your blog from time to time, and I wanted you to know that I think it is awesome that you are taking time with the kids to play. I have such a hard time finding that time to play everyday. I feel the same way you did about being a mom that just cleaned. You are a great example, and I look up to you for you making and taking that fun time. Thanks for sharing.

    • cherie Mask on January 15, 2007 at 12:58 pm

    thanks for such an inspiring post, melissa! i needed that today!!

    • melanie on January 15, 2007 at 9:41 pm

    I’m with Cherie! I needed to hear that, too. I am not sure my kids would want to spend time with me–I might make them clean something! hee, hee

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