Trips to the ER are annoying. 

Trips to the ER that could have been avoided are even more annoying.

And trips to the ER where I fix the problem before the Dr. are the most annoying of all!

But that is all what happened last night. Tori had her first trip to the Emergency room and I had my first trip to a Utah emergency room. 

I am the Wolf Den Leader for our ward's cub scout pack. I love this job! Every Thursday from 4-5 I take Ammon (because he is a wolf), 3 other boys and my assistant and we do fun activities. Yesterday we visited a local nursery and learned about it. It was great. I got home to find Nikolas holding a crying Tori. He said she had been crying for 10 minutes or so and wouldn't move her arm. I thought he was exaggerating so I put her in her high chair and gave her some yogurt. She took the spoon but every time she started to put it in her mouth she would start crying. 

No one saw what happened to her. Nik was doing school work on the computer and everybody else was in my room watching a movie.  

I called Kenny, my fantastic brother-in-law and he came to stay with the kids while I ran her down to the urgent care since it was closer than my after hours dr.  The Dr. there felt her arm and thought she had bruised her bone in her shoulder-back area. He didn't have x-ray equipment in his office so he told me to take her home and watch her through the night. As I put her screaming into the car I knew I couldn't wait all night so I went to the emergency room in Provo and got her check in! She got a fancy anklet, which she didn't like at all.


She was crying and fussy when we got there but after about an hour she seemed better even though her right arm was still just hanging at her side. I tried to clean her hand with a wipey so it would look better when the dr. looked at her. She pulled and twisted her hand away from me and I felt a pop! She started screaming and I felt horrible thinking I had just made her broken arm worse!. She stopped crying, climbed off my lap and starting playing and smiling and using both her arms! I had fixed it! Her elbow was dislocated and I fixed it. A minute later they called her name. I told the Dr I had fixed it and once she checked her out she agreed with me and sent me home! 

Tori did get this cute little doll that she and the girls all love so the trip was not in vain!


 Through this whole ordeal I felt awful saying I didn't know what happened to her. I felt like a negligent mother! If I had known how she got hurt the process would have been quicker and easier. As it is I still don't know what happened. Here is my guess. Tori spilled her cup of water on the floor because she refuses to use a cup with a lid. She opened the drawer to get a towel to clean it up and slipped when her hand was on the drawer pulling her elbow out. Who knows! All I know is that from now until she is three it can happen again, again and again!   


2 pings

  1. Oh No! Poor Tori! I am glad she is all better. Its good it slipped back it. It would be scary to see a doc. put a dislocation back in!
    Cade fractured his foot in Jan. No one saw a thing so we don’t know how it broke…at daycare (man, they felt so bad.)
    These little guys heal so fast.

    • megan gens on April 11, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    aww that sucks! glad shes ok though. talan had to have a cast when he was 1, i was at work so i was just crazy sad when they took him to the urgent care, but at the same time i work in the room where they read the xrays so i got special treatment for him! but yeah, its the worst not knowing!! We got to save the cast and the xray of his little leg for when hes older!!

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