ENT stands for Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. This is who Ammon went to see yesterday. Ammon gets nose bleeds all the time. He gets at least one a week. This weekend was really bad. He got two on Sunday, then woke up during the night with one and then had two Monday. Tuesday at the doctor's office he had the blood vessels in his nose chemically cauterized. Basically the doctor used a chemical (silver nitrate) to burn the blood vessels in his nose so they will stop bleeding. It actually sounds a lot worse than it was. He had very little pain. Hopefully this will mean no more nose bleeds!

Nikolas has also been seeing this doctor. Nikolas always breaths through is mouth because his nose feels stuffed. After trying a few things the doctor decided his tonsils, adenoids and one other thing (I forgot the name) need to be removed! He will be having surgery next month. SHHHH Don't tell him he doesn't know yet! He will be a little happy since he will get to miss school.  


2 pings

  1. Poor Ammon! Nose bleeds aren’t any fun! Hopefully the procedure did the trick. As for Nik–I’m not sure what’s worse, school or bad tonsils.

    • Jennifer (Griffith) Moore on October 31, 2008 at 9:34 am

    I know a few people who’ve had their tonsils & adenoids taken out. FYI – the day after he’ll feel better, but Day 2-Day 4 will be the worst, so keep lots of: Jello & Popsicles available for him. But, he will breathe soooooo much better afterwards, it’ll all be worth it!!

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