Happy 628 Day!

Today is 628 Day. June 28th! It is always a special day in our house for reason's mentioned here. Every year Adam sends out an email to all his friends and family. This year it was such a good message that I had to pass it along. Sorry if you already got it but it is well worth reposting! So here it is!

Everyone and Happy 628 Day!

Once a year, the date ends up being 6/28 and I have claimed it
as a personal holiday. Many of you know why those numbers are significant to me
and if you don't…well then send me an email and I will be happy to let you in
on it.

This year I wanted to send out another video that I hope will
inspire us all. The setting is a funeral. A man who was a husband and father has
died and his wife is given some time to speak to the gathering. At first, I was
kind of shocked at what she was saying and I wondered if it was a joke. But then
everything changes and you find out what she is really getting at.

Here is the link to that video. Please go and watch it now…
it's only 3 minutes long and then come back here and I'll finish what I have to

Click Here for the

Tell me that didn't touch you… even the slightest bit? I hope
that it did. That feeling you got comes from one place and is a gift available
to us all.

The video made me think of my wonderful wife. I am truly a
blessed man to have such a great woman at my side. It is so amazing to have her
with me on this life journey. I don't know what I would do without her. Yes,
there are times when I do get angry or irritated at her "imperfections."
Sometimes… they seem so unbearable that I wonder how I am going to get past
them. Unfortunately, I do not always handle myself like I should. I want to do
better and I will.

I have decided that every time I get angry at my wife or
irritated with her… I will watch this video. I hope that it will dissolve my
ill feelings and remind me once again how blessed I am. This quote I love best
from the video.

"In the end, it's these small things that you remember… little
imperfections, that make them perfect for you."

That's a profound statement. It cuts to the very center. It
helps me appreciate what I have in my life.

As you go about this 628 Day, I hope that my little message adds
something to it. I appreciate that you would even read it.

Until next year.. thanks, and have a fabulous

Adam Buzz


Great isn't he?! I am so lucky to be married to someone so sweet, loving and so eloquent! The way he is able to express himself makes me a little jealous because I can't do that at all. The things I want to write rarely come out sounding nice and always have a typo! Hopefully I can just say that. "I love you Babe more that words can say! You are my everything!" And you get everything I want to say!

Happy 628 Day!

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