A new BYU Quarterback?

JasonthrowingWell we are excited as heck for this weekend because in all likelihood Jason is going to start for BYU at quarterback against Utah St. There is an article about it on ESPN.com. CLICK HERE to see that.

Unfortunately it means that John Beck, the normal starter, is injured. He hurt is ankles in the first game of the season and has been dealing with it the past two games. We think they want to rest him this week and help him to heal.

So needless to say, we are all excited. I plan on being at the stadium to watch. It’s just one more blessing of living in Zion.

Good luck Jay!


Let it Snow!

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we’ve no place to go
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Snowmain After_2

There was some excitment when we woke up Saturday morning and we saw snow on our backyard mountains.

CLICK HERE to see more.

Is it supposed to snow in September? I guess not since it didn’t last as you can tell from the picture on the right. I took that at the end of the day after it all melted.

BTW, this is the view from our backyard. We love it!


Cooking Lesson

Poking fun at myself is not something I usually do, but to save you all from making this mistake I will share a cooking experience with you. Plus I think it is pretty funny.

I was making Adam a Cobb salad for lunch. I was trying to hurry so I put two eggs in a bowl with some water and put them in the microwave for five minutes. The first four and a half minutes were fine, then all of a sudden there was a loud BANG and the microwave burst open. Egg and water exploded all over the floor, the stove, the microwave, and unfortunately Ammon (he wasn’t hurt too bad). So in conclusion eggs and the microwave DON"T mix!!! Please don’t try this. I know Ammon never will.

The bright spot in this unfortunate accident is that my floor,stove, and microwave were all really clean at the same time!

Happy Anniversary!

I should have done this 2 weeks ago but better late than never. Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Forty years is a long time but honestly, I hope this is just the halfway mark for you. I am looking forward to growing old with you both.

Thank you for always being there for me. I am grateful for what you have done, do, and will do for me. My family is a better one because of you. I think the greatest part of your legacy is the fact that you stayed together. You did this despite the fact that most of your family members did not. The odds were against you. I am sure that your example will perpetuate within my own family. I am grateful to you for that.

Now things are very different with me being in Utah. You have been so supportive. You always have been. When I got baptized, when I went on a mission, and when I got married… you were supportive. I am so fortunate to have you as parents. I hope someday we can share in what I have come to accept. I respect your beliefs as they are the same ones that helped ground me as I grew up. They are the same ones that led me to the LDS church. There is a reason why I am where I am, and live the way I live. I hope that someday you can truly understand what that is.

So congrats again on a great accomplishment. May there be many more years for your marriage to grow.

I love you.

Your son,

Adam Buzz

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A Tribute to Utah

Someone sent this video to me so I had to add it to my YouTube account to share with all. It is hilarious and it makes me want to go to iTunes and buy that Beach Boys song Kokomo.

The video is not private so you don’t need a YouTube account to view it.



Where’s Kalixta?

Sunday morning was stake conference. Which means nine o’clock church. Which means I have to wake everyone one up. (Which, bytheway, means grumpy kids but that is not the point of this blog.) So I go to wake up the twins and I can’t find Kalixta! My hearts pounds a little harder until I hear a noise .


Yep she is COMPLETELY under the bed. I wake her up and as I take her to the kitchen I ask "What were you doing under the bed?"

Her reply? "Sleeping."

Of course!

Off He Goes

Ammon started preschool today.  He was so excited. He has been waiting weeks to go to school and  today he got his wish.  So armed with his Superman backpack and a kiss from Mommy off he went.

Img_7373 We went to meet his teacher, Miss Kara, last week. There was lots of toys, his favorite being the race cars. He told Daddy that he loved his school.

Today he was measured and weighed and Miss Kara took a picture of him. He brought home fresh baked bread that looked like an A, one of the letters of the month. He practiced writing the number 1, and glued red peices of paper to an apple. He didn’t however, get to play with the race cars. So his conclusion was that school is now boring, but he will try it one more time.

It’s All Gone

Well almost all gone. Britain had a haircut today.  I love her hair.  It is long and I LOVE long hair.  It is so soft and so smooth. You know when your hair has been up for a while and you let it down? It has kinks in it from the clip? Not Britt’s. After an hour it is as smooth and straight as if I had just washed it.

So why cut it? Because it is so hard to do. Her hair is super thick.  All her ponytails fall out after a few hours and then she just looks messy. Super messy. And If there is one thing Adam can’t stand it’s messy kids.

So alas, I cut her hair, or should I say, had her hair cut. I have my own live in barbers and hairstylist. Adam cuts his own hair AND the boys’ hair, and now I have my sister, Marci, to cut and style the girls’ hair. Yep, so she cut Britt’s hair. She did a great job despite all the moving and shaking that Britain did. And everybody knows Britain CANNOT sit still.


Before                                                          AfterImg_7341_7

So what do you think??

She sure thinks she is cute! Marci cut the first lock and Britt shouted "More! More!"  When looking in the mirror she would touch it and say "Pretty hair." No she is not very modest, but that’s our Britt.

I love it. Shocking I know. Who knew I could really like short hair on my child. Marci think she looks like Jennifer Aniston.  Look Out!

Here are some more pictures of the whole process. CLICK HERE

Two Months


Ariana is two months old. She truly is a joy in my life.  She continues to be an incredible baby.

I took her to the doctor today.  She weighs 12 pounds and 6 ounces – 90th percentile.  She is 23 inches tall- 80th percentile.

She is growing great and developing perfectly.  She smiles and coos a lot.  She is very responsive. Her favorite people are Ammon and Nik.  But her Auntie Marci is gaining favor.

She has come a long way so CLICK HERE to see photos from the past two months.

2006 Back to School Fashion Show

NOTE: This video is marked private on my YouTube account. If you want to view it, I have to add you to My Friends list. I have already sent an invite to those of you whose email address Melissa and I have. You should see an invite from buzz628. If you don’t have one it means I don’t have your email address. So please send me a comment with your address so I can add you. You will then have to create an account on YouTube. Don’t worry, it’s free.

This was something we did to help Zoë get motivated for her new school. She usually has a tough time when it comes to change and having to deal with so much newness.

We took some pictures and you can see them here: CLICK HERE

We had a lot of fun putting this video together.
