Some People Say…

…that motherhood is a thankless job! I beg to differ…today! So far today has been one of those days when I really really love being a stay at home mom. (Cause I will be honest. I don't always feel like this!) Britain had a doctor appointment this morning so I am trying to get all the girls ready to go. I call Ari up from downstairs to get dressed. She comes running saying she is stinky! So I get the wipes and a diaper and change her. The whole time she is saying "Thank you Mom! Thank you Mom!" When she was dressed and stood up she gave me a huge hug and kiss and said "I Love YOU!" This is the first time she has said that without being prompted! I almost started crying! It was so sweet!

There are not enough words to describe was a sweet girl Ari is. She is squishy and loving, reasonable and so very happy. I truly wish she stay at this age forever!


As we are going out to the car Britain says "Can we take the Jet?"  I said what?! SO she repeated, "Can we take the Jet. Oh no Daddy already took it!" She was referring to the Jetta (our other car). Yeah sweetie I wish we had a jet!

The doctor appointment went good (meaning everyone behaved!) So life it grand!

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