Eight is not enough

Sandiego050Yesterday, Melissa and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary.

It was a great day. We started off my doing sealings at the Provo Temple where Melissa almost fainted…again. I can’t remember a time when we have done sealings and she didn’t  faint. I even warned the sealer, so all of us were prepared. She was fine though and didn’t actually faint. Got pretty close I must say.

We then had breakfast and continued on with a normal day. In the evening I cooked a fancy, shmancie dinner for her and we ate by candlelight.

It was quite the special day and I was feeling particularly sensitive to the grandiose of it all.

I thought I could feel the moment again when I kneeled across the alter in the San Diego Temple and looked into Melissa’s eyes. I remember how beautiful she looked. I remember how anxious I was. I remember how nervous I was about being a husband, about starting a family. I didn’t know how I was going to do it. It didn’t matter though. I was doing the will of the Father. How could I go wrong. We had help and so we would be ok.

Turns out we have been just that. Oh, things have been bumpy. Times have been hard… I have the grey hairs to prove it. But I look back now at that decision and have to give thanks for the strength I received to take that step. Melissa and I had only just met less than 3 months earlier, and there we were ready to covenant to spend the rest of eternity with each other.

I am so grateful that I have learned to rely on the right Counselor when it comes to making these types of decisions. The pattern was set when I made the decision to get baptized, and now it follows me wherever I go.

I love you Melissa… más que me puedo decir


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  1. What a beautiful way to start out your anniversary. Happy Anniversary. and Melissa, I do the same thing whenever we do sealings. hope it was a wonderful day!!!

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