
I love love watching my kids play ball, but Ammon's age right now is so fun. They are surprised when they catch the ball. They throw the ball to all kinds of unintended targets. They forget to run. They hold the ball while everyone yells at them to throw it.They tag players out with baseballs that are not in play. They get so excited when they get a hit. They love to slide into home plate. They are very clueless. All this makes it so fun to watch!

Ammon is a very serious player. In the field he is always ready to play. He likes playing first and second and third base. At the plate he is a swinger. He has a great swing and is getting good solid hits. He runs the bases fast and is always looking for the ball so he know if he should run or not. 
They started counting outs this week. Ammon got one today while on first base.
The girls are good sports to sit through so many games a week. They do enjoying going and running around outside. 
Tori has had a very bad week! She had a fever for three days and then broke out in this red rash all over her face and body. She is pretty grumpy and didn't smile for about four days. She did love sitting at this game eating her gummy worm though!

1 comment

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  1. Poor baby. Looks (and sounds) like Roseola (sp?)
    If that is what it is, the worst of it is over. The rash shouldn’t be itchy and bothersome.
    Soungs like fun days you guys have.

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