Ariana’s new face

Ariana has started this face when she "cheeses" for the camera, wants something, or sees that I am frustratedwith her. It always makes me laugh! She scrunches her eyes shut and smiles real big! It is way cuter than this picture!

Last night she got a pencil sharpener and tried to sharpen her finger! She cut it kinda bad! I was sitting on the sofa, going through all the end of the year school papers. She walks up to me say Hurt! Hurt!" I look at her and she has blood all over both of her hands! I was surprised she wasn't crying! I cleaned her up and put a band-aid on, to which she said "Cute!" We went and showed Daddy and he kissed it better. For the rest of the night she used her left hand for everything. When her finger would hurt she would say "Hurt!" and some one would kiss her better and she would be fine! Usually my kids are CRY BABIES. Whether it is a scrape, a big cut, or just their feeling all the kids are drama queens and kings! If there is blood, forget it! That kid is upset for hours! It is so very nice to have a "tough"kid!

1 comment

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    • melanie on May 25, 2008 at 11:33 am

    YIKES on the pencil sharpener! It is nice to have a toughie, I am sure!

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