Another Blessed Mommy Moment

These two cute Mommy Moments happened this weekend. I need to remember these memories because tonight has not been a good night! That is why I love Mommy Moments, they help me get through the not so good ones!

Kalixta drew a little picture of our family and then made our bed and put it there!

The drawing had all the members of our family! Charlie is flying in the sky because he is in heaven! Maisey is halfway between our family and the sky because she is alive but not with us! I love how she just put the first letters of the names, but spelled mine out! And did you notice the TWO extra kids at the end T and M? They are both for the baby whether it is a girl, T, or a boy, M! The hair she draws on people always makes me smile!! Kalixta is such a sweet heart!

Britain left a note on our bed that she made last week too! Here is her sweet note!

Can you read her sounded out spellings?!?! Love them!! And love my sweet  Britain!


3 pings

  1. I love this! I just got caught up with your spring break. You really are such a great mommy! and I love you too 😉 I am going to try the puffy paint recipe…too fun!

    • leslie on April 21, 2011 at 10:25 am

    Can I have those two girls? I mean if you are ever to get rid of them…you know where to send them!!

    • Denise on April 22, 2011 at 7:35 pm

    You are a good mommy! I love moments like this that remind us that our kids really are sweet and worth all the work! 🙂

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