A Special Day and A Special Girl

Sorry ladies but I need to hijack Melissa's blog today. You see it's a special day, and I want all of you to know how she has made it that way.

Ten years ago today, I was given the greatest gift of my life.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I knelt down over an alter in the San Diego Temple and looked into the eyes of the miracle that would soon make my life complete. She didn't know it but I had long been dreaming of that day. As I took her hand, a flood of gratitude filled my heart. I thought about that spring day in 92 when I entered the waters of baptism and came out a new man. A man with new hopes and dreams. A man who had just begun to prepare himself for the woman who would someday accept him as hers.

I knew that she would be no ordinary woman. I was promised that if I stayed true to the Gospel, my wife would be everything and more that I could ever want. That's all I needed to hear. I decided that I must obey ALL of the commandments to their exactness. I needed to be a valiant warrior for the cause of good. After all, she would expect it and deserved no less.

When times got tough and I struggled to stay on course, I thought of her and could hear her telling me not to give up. She loved me and needed me to be strong. When I was in Ecuador and the people threw rocks at me or called me the devil, she told me to love them and not forget that I was on the Lord's errand.

I thought of her often when I was on my mission. During the hot, dry days that even the lizards couldn't stand or the full-mooned nights filled with fireflys. When I returned home with honor, I began to look for her knowing that she was expecting me.

That's when I met Melissa. 3 months later, we were married. It didn't take but a moment for me to know that I had found my Eve.

Since then, we have shared so much love and laughter. We've had to weather some storms too. All in all, I can say this day that God has fulfilled His promise to me. She is more than I could have ever wanted.

She knows exactly how to deal with me. She puts up with me as I still struggle to overcome the traditions of the fathers that plague me. She is patient with me and shows nothing but unconditional love towards me even when I don't deserve it. She takes care of me. She keeps our home a refuge from the world.

She bares our children with ease and then I marvel at how she nurtures them. People tell us how beautiful our children are and I know it is because of her. Everyday she goes to work and her day doesn't end until her head hits the pillow. She never complains when I get to go out and play and even tells me that I deserve a break. I see her work tirelessly to keep our home clean, our clothes washed, our stomachs full and our children's faces happy. She does all of this with a smile… most of the time… and I can say that she does it better than I ever could have hoped.

What would I do without her? How will I ever be worthy of her? I would forever be in debt to Heavenly Father for her even if he never gave me a single thing again.

At our wedding reception, I dedicated a song to her and it was our first dance together. The words in that song are more solid than ever:

I cross my heart…And promise to
Give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true
In all the world…you'll never find
A love as true as mine.

I love you Melissa.

Thank you for being my wife

Adam Buzz Basua



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    • cari on February 12, 2009 at 6:15 am

    Happy Anniversary! That was so beautiful Adam. You and Melissa have made a wonderful family. Hope you have another great 10 years.

    • Marci on February 12, 2009 at 9:12 am

    Yes. Happy 10th Anniversary. You guys are really great examples to us all.

    • andi on February 12, 2009 at 10:47 am

    Happy Anniversary! You two are a great example to us! Adam that was a wonderful post!

  1. Happy Anniversary! you two are great and are amazing inspirations for all of us!

  2. What a wonderful tribute from the heart, Adam. What an honor to you, Melissa! Happy Anniversary to you both, to you all.

    • melanie on February 12, 2009 at 11:54 am

    That was so sweet, you old sap! Melissa, you really are as wonderful as he says–and he oughta know. Happy anniversary!!!!

    • Katie on February 12, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    That was a beautiful declaration of the love he has for you Melissa. Happy anniversary and a prayer to many many for for the 2 of you.

    • donna on February 12, 2009 at 9:35 pm

    Congrats on a decade of marital happiness! You really have built a wonderful life together. Salud to another 10!

  3. feliz aniversario

  4. Wow! You are both so blessed to have each other and your beautiful family! I am glad you are in our lives and we can share experiences together. Here’s to many more years together!

    • dylan kankosky on April 17, 2019 at 10:39 am

    how is she special? does she have the austism

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